Sunday, May 19, 2013

What The Chinese People Want

Syed Akbar Ali

By CH Hwe 

Tuan Syed,

I wrote to you last year to ask for you POV on my voting for PR. And of course like most Chinese, I voted for PR.

In your last mail, you talked about aspiration. That different people have different aspirations and we vote for our aspiration.

With the developments post GE, and reading your posts and your reader's comments, i feel compelled to explain "Apa Lagi Cina Mau" to someone who has some influence to the powers in BN and to your readers who are BN supporters. While I do not agree with many of your POV but I do respect you as a thought leader who wants a better Malaysia.

I cannot claim to speak for 100% of the Chinese but I as a Chinese media consumer, a keen social observer user, an advertising executive ( i do a lot of consumer research) and a Cheras-mali who hangs at coffeeshops very often,  I can safely say I have very good sense of what the Chinese wants.

The biggest theme that has emerged, from chinese mainstream media to social media to coffeeshops is 腐败 (FU BAI), translated as Corrupted and Rotten.

I think the biggest difference between the Chinese and other communities aside from our larger number middle to upper class, is the Point of Reference. 

You speak to Chinese you'll see that they keep referring to Singapore, Taiwan, HK and Korea in their economic and civil development. We talk about their currencies, their GDPs, their transportations, their clean roads etc...We want Malaysia to be like them and corruption is stopping us from that. Once and once again big corruption cases emerge and none of the culprits are convicted.  

Yes, it is as simple as that. We want to reject a corrupted and rotten system. And PR has given us hope ( whether they can manage it or not is another story) that they can get rid of the corrupt and rotten.

Really, there is nothing racial or incendiary about our aspiration. I swear on my mother's name that I have not come across any PR (including DAP) messages in any languages (including Chinese) about pitting against non-chinese, wanting to change the country to a republic, changing the official language and religion ( Christian state?!!!!! I'm taoist!) etc. NEVER!  

Check these 2 videos out. I think one is done by a DAP member. They are as crass and vulgar as you can get. And these videos reflect what the chinese ground thinks.,  

I am sure you will not agree with its message but can you tell me if they are inciting the Chinese to hate against other communities or does it have anything to do about having more Chinese power? (BTW, the sense on the chinese ground is indifferent about not having Chinese in the cabinet. This cabinet, got chinese no chinese , no difference.)

I'd admit there is 1 aspiration exclusive to the Chinese that is better treatment of Chinese education. The issue is delicate,  but in the long term, i do think we need 1 school for all.

So to  those currently in power and  to your readers who are asking my family and i to stop asking so much from the government who has handed us so much and let us prosper in this land...

We have moved on from simple bread and butter issues, we do not need handouts,  and we really want a government that is transparent,  clean and fair to all. And if you look at narratives by the Chinese  "fair to all" doesn't mean Cina-Power but rather NO TO CRONYISM! 

We have moved on, if I may, ahead of other communities to more progressive, 1st world aspirations.

I can assure you, if the next 5 years the BN government can demonstrate that BN is 腐败 (FU BAI/ Corruption & Rotten) no more , Chinese votes will be back to BN.

(Catch a few BIG FISH you'll see what wonders it'll do). But the question is, does BN even need Chinese votes and will it become less corrupted? I don't think so but i wish i'm wrong.

As more Chinese like me continue to sulk and get further confused by people asking Apa Lagi Cina Mau , I wish you all the best in your fight for a better Malaysia.

best regards,

*p/s if you come across chinese materials that you suspect is incendiary and your aides are not able to help to translate, i'm here. No i wont sugar coat. But i'll also urge those who said DAP incite hatred to stop the slander.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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